Reformed Residential Zones Announced

The Minister for Planning has today announced the results of the Government review of Victoria’s residential zones.
The changes remove default ‘dwelling limits’, as well as establishing mandatory height limits and ‘garden area’ requirements in the Neighbourhood Residential and General Residential zones.
The changes include:
Neighbourhood Residential Zone
Mandatory height of 9m, and maximum of 2 storeys (raised from mandatory 8 metres and no storey limit)
The default limit of two dwellings on a lot has been removed and replaced with a new mandatory minimum garden area requirement
General Residential Zone
Mandatory height of 11m, and maximum of 3 storeys (raised from discretionary 9m and no storey limit)
New mandatory minimum garden area requirement
Residential Growth Zone
Discretionary 13.5m height limit retained.
No mandatory minimum garden area requirement
Planning Scheme Amendment VC110 will replace the existing residential zones with the reformed zones this month. It is understood that:
Lower maximum building heights contained in existing zone schedules will remain in place, at least for the short term.
Certain transitional provisions will apply to the introduction of the new zones but the details of the provisions are not yet clear.
See more details here.
The Government has also released a refreshed Plan Melbourne and a new implementation plan today. Details can be found here.