What do the new residential zones mean for housing in Melbourne’s growth areas ?
The Victorian Government has introduced new garden area requirements to the General Residential Zone. These requirements apply to greenfield areas as well as established suburbs. For lots over 400 square metres, the garden area requirements must be met on any land in the Urban Growth Zone which has a ‘General Residential Zone’ applied to it. The General Residential Zone does however exempt lots under 400 square metres from this requirement, where an approved Precinct Structure Plan applies.
Echelon Planning has undertaken an analysis of the likely implications of these requirements for land in Melbourne’s growth areas.
Below is our assessment of some existing house and land products and whether they achieve the new garden area requirements. These examples demonstrate that many typical house and lot configurations can meet the new garden area requirements.

The minimum percentage of a lot set aside as Garden Area are as follows:
400-500 sqm = 25% lot area
501-650sqm = 30% lot area
Above 650sqm = 35% lot area
A Garden Area can include:
open entertaining areas,
garden beds,
swimming pools,
tennis courts.
A Garden Area can not include:
areas set aside for car parking,
any buildings or roofed areas,
areas less than 1m in dimension.
For further advice on the Garden Area requirements and the Reformed Residential Zones, contact Echelon Planning here.
Disclaimer – Every effort has been made to verify with the Victorian Government that the information set out above is correct at the date of publication. The information is general in nature and should not considered personal or professional advice. Readers should seek specific, independent advice before making any investment or other decisions.